Monday, 18 April 2016

The Benefits of a C1 7.5 Tonne Lorry License in UK

Some Of The Benefits In The Job Market When You Pass Your C1 7.5 Tonne Lorry License in the UK

Benefits-of-passing-C1-7.5 tonne lorry license-
If you are interested in driver training to obtain a 7.5 tonne lorry license, you may need a few reasons to motivate you. When pursuing a career that requires a C1 Lorry license, there are a host of benefits that you can look forward to.

Outstanding Employment Prospects

One of the best reasons as to why you should obtain an LGV lorry license is to enhance the possibility of obtaining a job that pays you well. When you obtain the right certification involved in driving larger Lorries you automatically improve job prospects.
In addition, you will be interested in the fact that there is currently a large shortage of drivers with an LGV certification available in the UK. This shortage has been predicted to reach figures of 150,000 by the year 2020. This ultimately means that you will easily find employment once you have completed and passed the training associated with becoming a qualified LGV driver.

Opportunities To Grow Your Career

When it comes to becoming a LGV driver in the UK, you will be able to enjoy plenty of opportunities in career growth. When you have successfully passed this certification and have attained some experience focus on making a positive name for yourself in this industry. This often opens the doors for higher paying opportunities in a short period of time.

Job Satisfaction

Many drivers who have worked in this particular industry for many years will state how fulfilling this work can actually be. In most cases, the other driving jobs soon become somewhat monotonous overtime. But when you become an LGV driver you never get the opportunity to get bored as you will probably be able to travel all over the country and experience increased job satisfaction compared to the mundane lifestyle of an office job.

Excellent Pay

Whilst the majority of standard driving jobs are associated with a mediocre pay, the LGV industry is often the exception to this rule. It is possible to find a C1 driving job paying 500 pounds a week.
Overall, it is very easy to see that if you take the time and dedication necessary to obtain your C1 7.5 Tonne lorry license, it really can improve your career prospects and the opportunity to earn more money.
To complete this certification successfully, you will first need C1 Driver training. You will need to be 18 years or older and have a B licence that permits you to drive a car or light motor-vehicle. You will also be required to pass a medical exam associated with LGV (large good vehicle) as well as complete the D4 Medical Formwith an accredited medical-practitioner. You can acquire your provisional C1 license by completing the D2 form as well as applying through the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licence Agency).

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